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Call Centre


Step into the serene world of Aquamarine Facet Gemstone, where the enchanting tranquil blue hues of aquamarine come to life in dazzling precision cuts. Renowned for its ethereal beauty aquamarine has long captivated the hearts of jewellery designers and connoisseurs alike. Our collection of aquamarine facets offers the perfect balance between sophistication and affordability, making them an excellent choice for artisans seeking to infuse their creations with the allure of this gemstone.

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SKU: 6403 60
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SKU: 6403 10
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SKU: 6403 15
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SKU: 6403 20
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SKU: 6403 25
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SKU: 6403 45
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SKU: 6403 50
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SKU: 6403 30
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SKU: 6403 55
4 In Stock
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