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Call Centre


Moonstone is renowned for symbolising fresh starts and personal development, making it a sought-after gift for individuals stepping onto new career paths or embarking on transformative life journeys. Our exquisite Moonstone beads boast a captivating spectrum of colours, ranging from serene peaches to pristine whites, soothing blues, and enchanting rainbows, enabling you to craft distinctive pieces for your business. Explore our extensive selection of sizes and shapes, from tumblechips to elegant ovals, and more, to curate your upcoming jewellery collection. Moonstone, a luminous and opalescent variety of Orthoclase mineral, adds an ethereal touch to your designs.

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SKU: 5544 35 03
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SKU: 5543 35 01
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SKU: 5544 06 01
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SKU: 5543 38 01
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SKU: 5743 05 01
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SKU: 5400 01 60
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SKU: 5400 01 59
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SKU: 5543 06 51
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SKU: 5743 04 01
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SKU: 5743 03 02
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SKU: 5743 04 02
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SKU: 5543 06 50
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