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Call Centre

Eco Silver

Our eco silver charms use sustainably produced silver consisting of silver from a sustainable and ecological bullion source, resulting in a mix of 95% recycled and 5% ethically sourced silver. With a selection of designs combined with ecological credentials, these are perfect if looking for a sustainable selection of charms for jewellery making.

1 12 Results

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SKU: 2726 64 80
15 In Stock
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SKU: 2729 36 80
31 In Stock
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SKU: 2733 40 80
36 In Stock
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SKU: 2729 35 80
5 In Stock
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SKU: 2733 37 80
45 In Stock
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SKU: 2733 46 80
19 In Stock
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SKU: 2733 36 80
26 In Stock
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SKU: 2733 38 80
29 In Stock
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SKU: 2728 75 80
452 In Stock
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SKU: 2733 39 80
43 In Stock
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SKU: 2726 47 80
33 In Stock
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SKU: 2733 41 80
29 In Stock
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1 12 Results

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