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Call Centre


Crafted from an igneous volcanic rock that boasts a mesmerising array of textures and colours, Rhyolite's unique and diverse appearance makes it a perfect choice for adding an element of natural beauty to your jewellery designs. Rhyolite beads offer an intriguing blend of textures and colours that will add an earthy distinctive charm to your range.

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SKU: 5539 35 0
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SKU: 5552 35 01
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SKU: 5539 37 0
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SKU: 5539 15 0
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SKU: 5552 15 01
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SKU: 5539 20 01
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SKU: 5539 25 0
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SKU: 5552 25 01
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SKU: 5539 30 0
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SKU: 5552 30 01
54 In Stock
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