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Peridot beads have a stunning lime green hue and a translucent quality, Peridot's inherent rarity makes smaller sized beads a cost effective choice for jewellery designers. Our extensive collection, offers a wide range of shapes, from the natural charm of tumble chip to classic rounds and faceted shapes. Peridot is the gem quality variety of Olivine and is renowned for its green colour, ranging from the refreshing yellow green to the warm olive and earthy brownish green tones. The depth of this captivating green is due to the iron content within the crystal structure.

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SKU: 5545 06 51
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SKU: 5745 03 01
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SKU: 5400 01 61
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SKU: 5400 01 11
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SKU: 5545 06 50
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SKU: 5745 04 01
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SKU: 5745 04 02
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SKU: 5545 15 01
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SKU: 5545 15 03
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SKU: 5545 15 02
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SKU: 5745 01 02
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SKU: 5745 01 01
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