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Call Centre


Explore our Peridot Gemstone Facets, where nature's lush green beauty meets artisanal craftsmanship. Peridot's vibrant green adds refreshing charm to your creations. Whether crafting rings, pendants, or earrings, these versatile facets infuse elegance and timeless grace. Discover captivating green hues and create jewellery that radiates natural beauty.

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SKU: 6445 10
25 In Stock
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SKU: 6445 15
43 In Stock
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SKU: 6445 20
18 In Stock
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SKU: 6445 25
25 In Stock
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SKU: 6445 45
8 In Stock
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SKU: 6445 50
4 In Stock
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SKU: 6445 55
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