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Call Centre


Our Chrysoprase Gemstone Beads, feature this vibrant apple-green gemstone, a unique variety of chalcedony infused with nickel. Notably scarce and prized for its lush green colour, Chrysoprase rivals fine jade. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, Chrysoprase is known for its healing properties, believed to foster love, emotional balance, and prosperity. Create jewellery that captivates the eye and nurtures the soul.

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SKU: 5516 06 61
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SKU: 5400 01 74
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SKU: 5516 06 60
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SKU: 5516 06 51
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SKU: 5516 15 02
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SKU: 5516 06 50
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SKU: 5516 20 02
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SKU: 5516 25 03
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SKU: 5516 30 02
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SKU: 5516 06 01
14 In Stock
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SKU: 5516 50 01
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