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Call Centre


Embark on a journey through time with our captivating collection of Amber beads gemstone, a true testament to the Earth's ancient history. Amber, the fossilized resin of prehistoric pine trees, has endured the test of millennia, offering a glimpse into the past. While it's inherently organic in nature, Amber is often cherished and utilised as a gemstone, gracing jewellery and ornamental creations with its warm, golden allure. Most of the world's Amber hails from a remarkable span of 30 to 90 million years ago. Explore our diverse range of Amber beads and let the timeless beauty of this ancient gemstone inspire your creations.

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SKU: 5502 15 01
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SKU: 5306 20 01
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SKU: 5502 20 01
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SKU: 5502 25 01
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SKU: 5502 30 01
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SKU: 5602 06 45
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