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Call Centre


A unique gem, buy Mookaite beads derived from silicified porcelanite found in the captivating landscapes of Western Australia. The name 'Mookite' or 'Mookaite' may be unofficial, but its local charm and vibrant hues of red, ochre, and yellow evoke the breathtaking beauty of the Australian outback at sunset. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, Mookaite is believed to hold remarkable healing properties, offering a deep connection to the earth's energies, grounding the spirit, and promoting a sense of adventure and exploration.

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SKU: 5548 35 01
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SKU: 5548 15 01
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SKU: 5548 20 01
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SKU: 5548 25 01
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SKU: 5548 30 01
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SKU: 5648 06 51
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SKU: 5400 40 18
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SKU: 5400 60 18
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SKU: 5648 06 53
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SKU: 5648 06 47
40 In Stock
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SKU: 5648 06 46
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